Sunday, June 10, 2007

What is xAjax?

What is xAjax?

xAjax this open source PHP class library, which lets you easily create powerful, veborientirovannye Ajax applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Applications developed by the library xAjax asynchronously can be located on the server PHP functions and update content without reloading the page.

How does xAjax?

Library xAjax create JavaScript functions that are coated with PHP functions that you can call to the server in your application. When called JavaScript this function, which is coated for use as PHP XMLHttpRequest object for asynchronous connections xAjax object on the server, which is a function of PHP. After the action returned xAjax XML response from the PHP as a result. Vozraschenny XML contains instructions and data to be analysed by the special functions of JavaScript-ovoy xAjax and used to update the contents of your application.

Why you should use xAjax and not another library?

If you choose this library, as it would satisfy all your needs in the development of your project.
xAjax offers the following opportunities, which together make it a unique and powerful tool :

  • xAjax's unique system of javaScript, which can analyze vozraschenny XML and automatically handle it according to instructions in this response. Since xAjax handles all of this, you do not need to separately write some Javascript functions in order to process the returned XML.
  • xAjax an object-oriented development of software code and data storage code hajax separately from the other code. As an object code, you can add your own functions in a class xAjaxResponse using the addScript ().
  • xAjax works in Firefox, Mozilla, and perhaps that the rest of the Mozilla family of browsers, Internet Explorer, and Safari. In addition to updating the value elements (meaning DOM) and innerHTML, xAjax also can be used to update styles, css classes of chekboksov and drop-down boxes, or any of the other properties of the elements.
  • xAjax may use one and multi-dimensional arrays, and associative arrays of javascript in your PHP settings xAjax functions. In addition, if you enter the site javascript function xAjax function, the function will receive PHP associative array defining characteristics of the site.
  • xAjax provides easy file handling formp. Using the method javascript xAjax.getFormValues (), you can easily send data in the form of an array of options for asynchronous functions xAjax : xAjax_processForm(xAjax.getFormValues('f ormId');.
  • If occurrence with the input element forms under the name "checkbox [][]" and" name [first] "in order to create a multi-dimensional and associative arrays such as if you send the form using the $ _GET. Using xAjax you can dynamically podgruzhat additional javascript to your application so that performance varied properties of DOM.
  • xAjax automatically compares the data returned from PHP functions with the current values of properties that you want to change. Properties only change if the change is appropriate at this time. This eliminates blinking, which occurs when an element is updated every time at regular intervals. Each function will register to be available through xAjax, which have different types of requests. All functions default POST use a very small number of GET. This is done to improve security needs.
  • If not determined the requested URI xAjax tries to automatically determine the requested URL script. Algorithm auto xAjax fairly universal, so that it will operate as a safe protocol https : / / and http:// and innovative ports.
  • xAjax recodes all their requests and responses in UTF-8, so it supports a wide range of characters and language.
  • xAjax been tested in various languages in Unicode including Spanish, Russian, Arabic. Almost all javascript dynamically via javascript has increased.
  • xAjax can be used in the Smarty template engine for creating a variable in smarty be following code : $ smarty-> assign ( 'xAjax_javascript', $ xAjax-> getJavascript ()); When using xAjax substitute in the title the following tag ($ xAjax_javascript).

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